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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2020
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#lapdathethonggas #lapdathethonggascongnghiep #lapdathethonggasanmy #lapdatlpg #lapdatgasanmy
Pemex cierra el mes con 5,284 contagios y 968 muertes de COVID-19 added to Google Docs
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Petrobras cree que lo peor ya pasó added to Google Docs
#lapdathethonggas #lapdathethonggascongnghiep #lapdathethonggasanmy #lapdatlpg #lapdatgasanmy
Rystad Energy Distressed asset market creating opportunities for discounted shale acreage added to Google Docs
#lapdathethonggas #lapdathethonggascongnghiep #lapdathethonggasanmy #lapdatlpg #lapdatgasanmy
Equipos de perforación en EU se mantienen sin cambios added to Google Docs
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Gazprom Neft developing new production cluster in Western Siberia added to Google Docs
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Situación en Venezuela pega a Chevron, quien reporta 8,300 millones de dólares de pérdidas added to Google Docs
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Pemex PMI negocia cambios en los contratos de compra de combustibles added to Google Docs
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Phòng ngừa những nguy hiểm khi sử dụng gas added to Google Docs
Phòng ngừa những nguy hiểm khi sử dụng gas
#lapdathethonggas #lapdathethonggascongnghiep #lapdathethonggasanmy #lapdatlpg #lapdatgasanmy
Volumen de descubrimientos de hidrocarburos bajaron 33% en el segundo trimestre del 2020 added to Google Docs
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Điểm qua các loại máy hoá hơi phổ biến dùng cho LPG added to Google Docs
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